Harry Potter và Chiếc cốc lửa (Quyển 4)

Tác giả:

Thể loại: Truyện Teen


Trạng thái: FULL

Số chương: 37

Tần suất cập nhật: 1 phút/chương

Ngày đăng: 5 năm trước

Cập nhật: 5 năm trước

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the story of Harry Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts. This is the book that J.K. Rowling adores the most among the seven volumes.

At 14 years old, Harry this year has his eye on a girl named Cho Chang.

During the World Cup final, which his family and the Weasleys attend, a terrifying phenomenon occurs: the appearance of world-ending destroyers. Harry has a strange dream in Riddle's house, with two figures whose faces he can't see. He then enters his fourth year at Hogwarts, with the Triwizard Tournament full of challenges, and talented young wizards from around the world participating.

This is a contest where the winner will go down in history. Each contestant must be truly brave and must overcome three very dangerous challenges. To ensure safety, the council only allows those over seventeen years of age to compete. The prize for this game is one thousand gold galleons and the Triwizard Cup.

In this contest, there are two other schools participating, with each school sending one representative. But someone has put Harry's name (later revealed to be Crouch Jr.) into the Goblet of Fire, forcing him to compete even though he is not old enough, and this year's contest has four people, including Harry.

In the first test, the four (Harry, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Fleur Delacour) accomplished their mission brilliantly. They retrieved the dragon's egg which contained a clue to the second challenge. After the first contest, Hogwarts organized the Yule Ball. Harry asked Cho Chang to attend, but she accepted Cedric's invitation instead while Hermione Granger appeared stunning with Viktor Krum. That night, Harry dreamed of Riddle's room again and this time he saw the faces of the people in the room. Harry told Headmaster Albus Dumbledore that the face was that of Barty Crouch's son, a person in the Ministry of Magic. Although it was known, it still did not clarify anything.

The end of the dance also means the second contest is near. With the clue hidden inside the dragon's egg, Harry knows that the second challenge will take place at the edge of the Black Lake. Thanks to Dobby's elf magic, Harry rescued Ron Weasley and Fleur's sister. Therefore, in this contest, Harry received almost perfect points, although he only ranked third. Cedric ranked first when he saved Cho Chang, Krum ranked second when he saved Hermione, and Fleur gave up.

In the third contest of the Triwizard Tournament, the four had to find the cup of the tournament, which was hidden by Professor Alastor Moody, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory both touched the cup, but in reality, that was a portkey. The two flew to the cemetery of Tom Riddle's father, where Harry had been in his dream. Cedric was killed by Wormtail with the Avada Kedavra curse, while Harry was tied up on Tom Riddle's father's grave.

Wormtail took Harry's blood and flesh to offer to the Dark Lord, so Voldemort would no longer fear Harry's bloodline. Voldemort was resurrected once again but the Ministry of Magic did not believe it.

Only at the end did Harry discover Barty Crouch Jr.'s arrangement under Moody's mask. He engineered everything to get Harry to the cemetery, so the Dark Lord Voldemort could be restored. Headmaster Dumbledore found out and informed Azkaban prison.

Harry Potter và Chiếc cốc lửa (Quyển 4)

Tác giả :

Thể loại: Truyện Teen


Trạng thái: FULL

Số chương: 37

Tần suất cập nhật: 1 phút/chương

Ngày đăng: 5 năm trước

Cập nhật: 5 năm trước

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the story of Harry Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts. This is the book that J.K. Rowling adores the most among the seven volumes.

At 14 years old, Harry this year has his eye on a girl named Cho Chang.

During the World Cup... Quidditch final, which his family and the Weasleys attend, a terrifying phenomenon occurs: the appearance of world-ending destroyers. Harry has a strange dream in Riddle's house, with two figures whose faces he can't see. He then enters his fourth year at Hogwarts, with the Triwizard Tournament full of challenges, and talented young wizards from around the world participating.

This is a contest where the winner will go down in history. Each contestant must be truly brave and must overcome three very dangerous challenges. To ensure safety, the council only allows those over seventeen years of age to compete. The prize for this game is one thousand gold galleons and the Triwizard Cup.

In this contest, there are two other schools participating, with each school sending one representative. But someone has put Harry's name (later revealed to be Crouch Jr.) into the Goblet of Fire, forcing him to compete even though he is not old enough, and this year's contest has four people, including Harry.

In the first test, the four (Harry, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum, and Fleur Delacour) accomplished their mission brilliantly. They retrieved the dragon's egg which contained a clue to the second challenge. After the first contest, Hogwarts organized the Yule Ball. Harry asked Cho Chang to attend, but she accepted Cedric's invitation instead while Hermione Granger appeared stunning with Viktor Krum. That night, Harry dreamed of Riddle's room again and this time he saw the faces of the people in the room. Harry told Headmaster Albus Dumbledore that the face was that of Barty Crouch's son, a person in the Ministry of Magic. Although it was known, it still did not clarify anything.

The end of the dance also means the second contest is near. With the clue hidden inside the dragon's egg, Harry knows that the second challenge will take place at the edge of the Black Lake. Thanks to Dobby's elf magic, Harry rescued Ron Weasley and Fleur's sister. Therefore, in this contest, Harry received almost perfect points, although he only ranked third. Cedric ranked first when he saved Cho Chang, Krum ranked second when he saved Hermione, and Fleur gave up.

In the third contest of the Triwizard Tournament, the four had to find the cup of the tournament, which was hidden by Professor Alastor Moody, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory both touched the cup, but in reality, that was a portkey. The two flew to the cemetery of Tom Riddle's father, where Harry had been in his dream. Cedric was killed by Wormtail with the Avada Kedavra curse, while Harry was tied up on Tom Riddle's father's grave.

Wormtail took Harry's blood and flesh to offer to the Dark Lord, so Voldemort would no longer fear Harry's bloodline. Voldemort was resurrected once again but the Ministry of Magic did not believe it.

Only at the end did Harry discover Barty Crouch Jr.'s arrangement under Moody's mask. He engineered everything to get Harry to the cemetery, so the Dark Lord Voldemort could be restored. Headmaster Dumbledore found out and informed Azkaban prison.

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