Tình Cũ - Bạch Lạc

Tác giả:

Thể loại: Đô Thị, Truyện Teen, Ngôn Tình

Nguồn: wattpad

Trạng thái: Đang ra

Số chương: 42

Tần suất cập nhật: 2 ngày/chương

Ngày đăng: 1 năm trước

Cập nhật: 1 năm trước

Bạch Lạc's story, "Tình Cũ," follows a couple who were former lovers, but reunited once again. However, nobody knows why they broke up in the first place.

Their love story isn't sweet nor deep; it's simply a marriage full of calculations. He hates her, hates her family, and forces her to divorce husband in the morning and marry him in the afternoon, which makes her a laughing stock.

As time goes by, the clues to finding the truth behind the car accident that took his sister's life slowly emerge. The truth is revealed, and she and her family are found completely innocent, yet he continues to resent and hold grudges against them. Her father passes away, their company goes bankrupt, and she eventually leaves him, never to be seen again.

If you enjoy reading romance novels, you may also want to check out Bạch Lạc's "Ước Hẹn: Một Đời Vì Nhau" and "Nhân Vật Phản Diện Chỉ Yêu Mình Tôi." You can find these novels on sstruyen.vn!

Tình Cũ - Bạch Lạc

Tác giả :

Thể loại: Đô Thị, Truyện Teen, Ngôn Tình

Nguồn: wattpad

Trạng thái: Đang ra

Số chương: 42

Tần suất cập nhật: 2 ngày/chương

Ngày đăng: 1 năm trước

Cập nhật: 1 năm trước

Bạch Lạc's story, "Tình Cũ," follows a couple who were former lovers, but reunited once again. However, nobody knows why they broke up in the first place.

Their love story isn't sweet nor deep; it's simply a marriage full of calculations. He hates her, hates her family, and forces her to divorce... her husband in the morning and marry him in the afternoon, which makes her a laughing stock.

As time goes by, the clues to finding the truth behind the car accident that took his sister's life slowly emerge. The truth is revealed, and she and her family are found completely innocent, yet he continues to resent and hold grudges against them. Her father passes away, their company goes bankrupt, and she eventually leaves him, never to be seen again.

If you enjoy reading romance novels, you may also want to check out Bạch Lạc's "Ước Hẹn: Một Đời Vì Nhau" and "Nhân Vật Phản Diện Chỉ Yêu Mình Tôi." You can find these novels on sstruyen.vn!

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