Anh Vẫn Luôn Yêu Em

Tác giả:

Thể loại: Điền Văn, Đô Thị, Ngôn Tình, Truyện Sủng

Nguồn: Internet

Trạng thái: Full

Số chương: 123

Tần suất cập nhật: 4 giờ/chương

Ngày đăng: 4 năm trước

Cập nhật: 4 năm trước

Hề Gia was resting her head against the window on a rainy autumn day in October. The downpour was intense and the sky and earth seemed to be fused together into one entity.

"Gia Gia, take your medicine while it's still warm," her grandmother called out to her.

Hề Gia turned around and "Grandma, please rest. I can take my medicine by myself."

"Youngsters like you don't know how to properly prepare medicine," her grandmother insisted as she put the medicine bowl on the table and sat down. Hề Gia had been reading a book and had already gone through several chapters. She put the book aside and smoothly placed it on a wicker chair. Within seconds, the room was filled with the aroma of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Here's some white sugar. After you drink the medicine, take two spoonfuls of sugar and it won't taste so bitter," her grandmother opened a container with sugar and picked up a small spoon.

It was Hề Gia's first time drinking traditional Chinese medicine, and she struggled to swallow it while holding her nose shut. It was far from being tasteless or easy to swallow as she had imagined.

She had been suffering from severe headaches and memory loss for several months. No matter how many reputable hospitals she had visited, both locally and abroad, they could not diagnose her condition. Luong, her father's secretary, had suggested, "Why don't you go back to my hometown and try some traditional Chinese medicine? It won't hurt to try since you're still in pain." On the mountain, there were various types of herbs that could be used to prepare medicine with water from the mountain.


Anh Vẫn Luôn Yêu Em

Tác giả :

Thể loại: Điền Văn, Đô Thị, Ngôn Tình, Truyện Sủng

Nguồn: Internet

Trạng thái: Full

Số chương: 123

Tần suất cập nhật: 4 giờ/chương

Ngày đăng: 4 năm trước

Cập nhật: 4 năm trước

Hề Gia was resting her head against the window on a rainy autumn day in October. The downpour was intense and the sky and earth seemed to be fused together into one entity.

"Gia Gia, take your medicine while it's still warm," her grandmother called out to her.

Hề Gia turned around and... replied, "Grandma, please rest. I can take my medicine by myself."

"Youngsters like you don't know how to properly prepare medicine," her grandmother insisted as she put the medicine bowl on the table and sat down. Hề Gia had been reading a book and had already gone through several chapters. She put the book aside and smoothly placed it on a wicker chair. Within seconds, the room was filled with the aroma of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Here's some white sugar. After you drink the medicine, take two spoonfuls of sugar and it won't taste so bitter," her grandmother opened a container with sugar and picked up a small spoon.

It was Hề Gia's first time drinking traditional Chinese medicine, and she struggled to swallow it while holding her nose shut. It was far from being tasteless or easy to swallow as she had imagined.

She had been suffering from severe headaches and memory loss for several months. No matter how many reputable hospitals she had visited, both locally and abroad, they could not diagnose her condition. Luong, her father's secretary, had suggested, "Why don't you go back to my hometown and try some traditional Chinese medicine? It won't hurt to try since you're still in pain." On the mountain, there were various types of herbs that could be used to prepare medicine with water from the mountain.


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